日前官方釋出 Gimp 3.0 RC1,為此將自動去背的plugin做了更新
RemoveBG3.zip 是給 Gimp(Windows版) 與 Rembg 交互的 plugin,以利後續的編修合成
aiExe = "C:\\Users\\USER\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python310\\Scripts\\rembg.exe"
把它替換成 rembg 在你電腦上安裝的路徑後,再存檔
如果你是用 Linux 用戶
而且是使用 Flatpak GIMP,那可以下載 RemoveBG-Flatpak3.zip
如果是AppImage GIMP或其它非使用Sandbox的GIMP,那可以下載 RemoveBG-AppImage3.zip
aiExe = "/home/james/.local/bin/rembg"
flatpak run --socket=session-bus org.gimp.GIMP//beta
AppImage GIMP 直接啟動即可
使用 :
在 Python-Fu -> AI移除影像背景 ...
4 則留言:
Big thx! Good job! But I'm just wondering if there’s any functionality missing in this version compared to the previous one? Everything seems the same to me.
This version selection had been ignore.
I dont't know about missing functionality (in my case there's no difference), but the new GIMP 3 RC2 has been released.
They claim there're some new API functions added:
"The second release candidate for the upcoming GIMP 3.0.0 features a lot of bug fixes, as
well as a few necessary core or plug-in changes:
. New API functions for handling layer effects from plug-ins
. More compat PDB procedures removed in favor of new API
. Perceptual space for layer mode renamed non-linear and real perceptual space
. Major BMP support improvement
. Many bug fixes"
Thanks for your info.
There is a small difference when you use part of the image
see https://elastic192.blogspot.com/2024/11/gimp.html
version 3.0 use Crop Tool, 2.10 could use Rectangle Select Tool
I had test RemoveBG on GIMP 3 RC2, it worked, no need to change